Are you feeling stuck?

Annoyed with being in a cycle of constant dieting? Do you want to get out of your own way once and for all and fall back in love with your body?

It can be exhausting starting and continuing a health and fitness journey alone. Join 1-1 Coaching Program to defeat those inner demons and unleash who you were meant to be.

My program is a 16 week transformation program. It focuses on building sustainable, lasting habits and reprogramming the subconscious mind to support this lifestyle shift. The program is limited in participants so I can deliver only the highest quality coaching.

In this program, you receive education in nutrition, exercise, mindset, habits, and thought work. You will have, unlimited messenger support, weekly check-ins, 1:1 face-to-face calls, and a fully customized exercise and nutrition plan. This program is a multi-dimensional approach to helping you prioritize yourself from a place of love so that you can become the best version of yourself…mind, body, and soul.

Interested in 1:1 Coaching? Apply below!


Client WINS

Client Experiences

She’s down 10+ lbs while still enjoying her favorite foods…
She’s fitting into clothes she hasn’t worn in years…
She worked out in a way that was enjoyable to her and in the comfort of her own home…
And Most importantly….
Her thoughts and feelings around food, body image, and herself, went through a drastic change…
But there are a few other things the Fully Nourished program has done for her that you have to hear straight from her…

Jessie, wife, mother of two (one with special needs), night nurse in the baby unit, needless to say, she had a lot going on.

She was struggling with low energy, keeping up with the kiddos, trying to lose the post-baby weight that was exacerbated by quarantine- I think we can all relate-😅
For 12 weeks we focused on: 
-Sustainable nutrition, where she could still eat Oreos 😁 I had multiple messages from her saying she didn’t even feel like she was dieting.
-Activity that worked with her schedule, time frames, and needs
-Habits and mindset shifts that allowed her to not only be successful but empowered and educated her how to do this for life.
Now: ⤵️
She’s down 20 POUNDS!!!🔥
Has more energy than ever!💪
Has increased confidence!💥
Fitting into scrubs and clothes she hasn’t worn in years!😄
Meet my friend and client Josh. One of the best dudes you’ll ever come across. Husband, father of two, full time Physical Security Systems Administrator, and author. These pictures are under 16 weeks apart.
Maybe you can relate to Josh.
Before working together, he felt tired, discouraged, down, feeling like he had tried everything to lose weight and improve his health and confidence.
Keto, intermittent fasting, intense gym programs, workouts he saw online, YouTube videos.
He would sometimes see a little improvement but typically would end up being worse off after doing those things than before.
This would lead to more weight gain and more discouragement. He was feeling like giving up all together, but decided to give me a chance at helping him. I was honored.
We got to work.
We adjusted and found a routine that worked for HIM.
We made little tweaks to his nutrition so that he could still enjoy nights out with his wife and still hit his goals
We tailored a workout program that he enjoyed and could follow. Taking into account his past injuries and joint aches and pains.
We focused on HIS mindset and particular road blocks. Becoming just 1% better each day
We approached everything with compassion and patience through the process
And the results speak for themselves
In under 16 weeks HE:
Lost 23 Lbs
Increased mobility and strength
Eliminated years of foot and joint pain
Improved his confidence through the freaking roof to where his true self is finally showing through
Developed habits to where he systematically achieved his goals
Completely 180’d his mindset that has altered his future in spectacular ways
Became a more energized husband and father
When I say I am elated and proud of Josh, that is an understatement. I’m currently looking for 3 people who want to experience a transformation like Josh.
If you want to lose weight while eating your favorite foods and doing less cardio, if you want to develop life long habits and mindset shifts that will legitimately change your future, DM Me “I’m Game” and we’ll talk about how I can help!
Ellie had an incredible mental and emotional transformation. The way she was able to consistently apply new thought patterns was inspiring. Health is more than physical.
So proud to be a part of her journey! Check out her experience!

Kim had some goals she wanted to hit before a fun Hawaii Vacation, and SHE DID IT!

We adjusted some habits here and there, modified her nutrition in a positive but doable way. Tuned-in her activity to increase functional strength and muscle tone, and re-framed some mindsets around “health and fitness.” So proud of Kim!!

She crushed her health and fitness goals all while having a full plate (pun intended): Wife, mother, grandmother, full time nurse, and a very demanding (in a good way) church calling. No excuses here!

Mel was able to drop 30lbs & TRANSFORMED his mindset, energy, and health in only 16 weeks!
When Mel came to me, he wanted to make a change but was working around a few things (maybe you can relate):
1. Not feeling confident with his ability to do it alone
2. Feeling like his age may be a limiting factor (pushing 60)
3. Not wanting to give up nights out with his wife
4. Working full time and having a side hustle taking up a lot of his time
5. Working at a desk and not able to do a ton of strength training due to past injuries
6. A history of health related issues in his family (this would be one of his greatest WHY’s, wanting to be not only around, but strong and able for his family, specifically for his grand kids.)
So we got to work!
We worked together for 16 weeks, and in that 16 weeks we focused on little 1% improvements each day, celebrating the small wins to always keep that positive momentum! Nutrition, activity, habits and routines, and thought work. We worked through the stalls and the plateaus to continue to see success.
And Mel CRUSHED it!
1. He’s feeling better than ever and has gained a powerful mindset that is allowing him to keep pushing!
2. He has MORE energy through out the day!
3. He’s now more confident in his own skin! (muscles coming out of witness protection)
4. He has an established pattern, routine, and habits of healthy behaviors that will serve him in being able and enjoying his life and being a PAPA to the fullest.
5. He’s found a love of his new life style while still enjoying food, and his day to day. He describes it as “doable and maintainable”
After the interview, she says “I hope I made sense. It’s really hard to put into words how much you helped me and everything I have learned.”
Honestly, this is why I love what I do. I KNOW I can help you with your goals.
Thought Work
The transformation is REAL. It WORKS. I guarantee it. The first step is to raise your hand.

The Tony who started the program is not the same person as the Tony who finished the program. When I say that he has made a complete transformation, that is an understatement. I am incredibly proud of this man and what he was able to accomplish in the time we worked together.

From timid, self-conscious, doubting himself and his capabilities, putting himself last, sedentary, and disheartened FAST FORWARD 4 MONTHS to physically and mentally strong, confident, puts himself first, knows he is capable and worthy, active, happy.

Through coaching, consistent and manageable daily habits and lifestyle shifts, Tony changed his life. at age 61 He lost 16lbs, put on strong lean muscle, got off insulin, and completely changed his mindset.

Tony suffered a real close call because of his health. He knew it was time to make a change, but didn’t know where to start. I’m so proud of him for not letting his psychological or physiological starting place stand in his way. He absolutely crushed it. So proud of him!


Meet my client, Jade. She’s a private investigator, single mother, foodie, and one of the most genuine people you’ll find. During our time together she lost 13lbs and inches DURING THE HOLIDAYS. She created and maintained discipline she never thought possible. And she improved her relationship with herself, MIND, and BODY.
After the interview, she says “I hope I made sense. It’s really hard to put into words how much you helped me and everything I have learned.”
Honestly, this is why I love what I do. I KNOW I can help you with your goals.
Thought Work
The transformation is REAL. It WORKS. I guarantee it. The first step is to raise your hand.

Busy Business owner and veteran in the gym wasn’t seeing the consistent results he wanted. We were able to shift a few key focuses. We worked on nutrition and mindset to accelerate his results and improve longevity of success.

Freelance Filmmaker and father of two, Alan was able implement proven strategies and methods to improve his health in every way. Pounds and inches down, he has changed his mentality around “dieting” and exercise.

Just a few Testimonials

Conner is amazing as a trainer. This year I lost 62 lbs in 8 months from a mixture of diet, exercise and determination and that’s in a huge part thanks to Conner. He listened to my goals and set up appropriate exercises and expectations to help me meet those goals. I would recommend him to anyone and everyone.
-Larson P.
Working with Conner has helped me reach some of my goals and get closer and closer to reaching others. He’s preparing me for my collegiate athletics as well as helping me perform better now. Not only have I seen progress, but other people notice it as well. I have been able to put on 10 pounds of muscle within the short amount of time I’ve been working with Conner. He’s an awesome guy, and I am looking forward to more hard work!
-Portia C.
Conner is INCREDIBLE! He has a vast amount of knowledge and really knows how to train and coach. In the time I’ve been working with Conner he has been able to pinpoint my body’s muscles that need attention and has been an incredible teacher. He motivates without being obnoxious or corny. He is patient, but still firm, as you make changes in your life. All that, plus he’s so down to earth that it makes the workouts fun and enjoyable. Anyone looking to get fit for an event (or for life) – Conner can get it done
-Mary L.
I’ve been working with Conner for a little over a month now, and the results I’m seeing are nothing short of fantastic. As an experienced “gym goer” I sometimes find myself hitting plateaus, and struggling to define/reach goals. Conner has been the perfect remedy for this. He put together a well balanced meal plan and exercise regimen and has completely revamped the gym experience for me. Whether you’re just starting out, or have been going to the gym for years and just need to switch things up, Conner will take the time to understand your fitness goals/needs, work with you to put together an optimal program, and get you where you want to be!
-Matt M.

Meet Your Coach
Conner Hansen

Hey there! I’m Conner, I got my degree in exercise and wellness from BYU. I’m also a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, and have a bunch of other credentials from The National Academy of Sports Medicine, including Nutrition, Corrective Exercise, and Behavior Change.
I started and ran a number of companies including a personal training facility, and a supplement company. I have been a strength and conditioning coach at the high school and collegiate level, and have been able to work with remarkable people to change their bodies for the better
I was an in-person trainer until I realized that I could help more people at a deeper level if I adjusted my coaching style.
I pride myself on helping my clients get to where they want to be while still enjoying the process and teaching them how to do it long-term so that they can be healthier and happier on a deeper level.